Tuesday, September 11, 2012

[Get] Hostgator Business Plan for 6 months only $0.01

Hostgator has announced the latest coupon code which can get you 6 months hosting almost for a penny which can be considered to be as t he best FREE Hosting available currently. Recently Godaddy hosting was attacked by an anomymous hacker which made them down all the services causing lot of trouble and inconvenience to the users.
This situation was t aken in favor by many hosting companies and Hostgator too offered a great coupon code to get 6 months hosting for 0.01 which is almost FREE.

If you take 3 years hosting, it gives you maximum discount of 50% OFF which almost gets you the hosting for 89.1USD instead of 178.2USD.

This is an excellent chance for all those who are waiting or checking for any discounts on web hostings so that they can grab this opportunity at the earliest.

1. Go here: Hostgator.com
2. Click View Web Hosting Plans.
3. Choose Business Plan (6 months).
4. Enter coupon: godaddyisdown
5. Check out with Paypal or Credit Card.

You will receive your hosting info in 5 minutes.

Hurry Up!!! This coupon will expire soon!

Make Money With Facebook

Make Money With Facebook

Make Money With Facebook

WSO Traffic & Conversion Notes 2012 Scripts

WSO Traffic & Conversion Notes 2012 Scripts

Shift #1: Channelization and Consolidation ………………………………………….. ………………………………..5
Shift #2: The End of “Easy”…………………………………….5
Shift #3: Video Domination ……………………………………7
SEO has changed in 2012 ……………………………………..7
Components of Google’s Ranking Algorithm ……………..7
How Google Judges Authority ………………………………7
How Google Judges Relevance ………………………………. 10
How Google Judges Competition …………………………….. 10
How Google Judges Backlinks ………………………………… 11
Press Releases ………………………………………….. ………. 15
The Key Element To SEO Is Likability……………………….. 17
Additional Resources Recommended By Perry & Ryan …….8
BREAKING NEWS. ………………………………………….. ……. 1
Here’s what to consider when renting an email list: ……..19
When buying a list ask the following questions: …………… 20



“The SECRET to making money online is to take consistent action over an extended period of time. But that doesn’t mean you have to work hard. Heck, I pay my 13-year-old son a few bucks to build simple little auto-blogs that rake in HUNDREDS. Now it’s your turn…” – Rob Fore, Six-Figure Affiliate Marketer
You are about to discover one of the easiest, most fool-proof ways to start making money online today.
• Even if you have never made a dime
• Even if you don’t know what an blog is, and
• Even if you are a complete beginner.

WSO My Mini Formula

WSO My Mini Formula

“My Little System Will Earn You Guaranteed Income To Invest In Your Internet Marketing Ventures… Enable You To Replace Your Day Job Within Weeks… AND Remove Any Trace of Financial Stress or Fear In Your Mind.”
I’ve geared this Miniature eCommerce System to run in the background on almost autopilot, So that you can instantly create a lucrative and GUARANTEED source of income with almost no thought on your part…This means you will always have all the time and money you need no matter what your circumstances are.

WSO 578000 [Warrior Reports 400% Income Increase] ==> Make More Adsense $$ Today!

WSO 578000 [Warrior Reports 400% Income Increase] ==> Make More Adsense $$ Today!

Let’s face it…
Most adsense information either sucks or is outdated.
Some is even downright illegal and will get your adsense account banned. 
I’m going to let you in on a bombshell secret. If you are using Adsense to monetize your website, you’re being robbed of your earnings by thieves.

Content Composer - SEO SE

Content Composer - SEO SE

Content Composer - SEO
Content Composer 4.08 | 1.9mb
An All-In-One Secret Weapon That Makes It Easy For You To Create, Edit,
Modify, Manage, Optimize, Uniqueify and Plagiarize-Proof All Your
Content! Content Composer makes your SEO</acronym> Content fantastic without you becoming an expert Web Content Writer or Article Writing master.
Do you have an affiliate program? Normally, you’ll write some kind of
promo article which your affiliates can post in their blogs. Since
that’s only one article, a hundred affiliates posting that exact same
article will make the web an ultra-boring place. With CC, you can easily
churn out 27 variations for your affiliates to choose from, and help
add some variety to the growing collection of web pages.
Do you sell PLR article packs? If you have some kind of “only 50 packs
will be sold” policy, you can use CC to create variations of your old
sold-out article packs, and then resell those “new” ones.
Do you build and sell website networks? Whether it’s a set of Article
Directories, or instant 10-page content sites, or other networked places
containing content, then CC can help you speedily produce all those
“permutated” articles to fill those directories and instant web sites.
Do you work with ghostwriters? If you like to put in some sense of
systems and procedures in the writing process, then CC will help you
keep track of word count, keyword density, and other metrics. It will
also help warn you to make the articles more varied in terms of number
of words, for example.
Are you concerned about plagiarism? You can easily check if the articles
submitted to you by your ghostwriters were lifted from other webpages.
If you find yourself using Copyscape.com over and over again, then the
one-time fee for CC may help save you from having to pay Copyscape for
each search you make.

Traffic Mania RSSBot

Traffic Mania RSSBot

Traffic Mania RSSBot
RSS Feed submission is one of the most basic methods of generating continuous traffic to your websites and blogs. Quite frankly, it’s so damn simple to do that it’s flat out crazy not to do it.
Submitting your RSS Feeds to different online Feed Aggregators is an ideal way to create one-way inbound links to each page of your site, get each new page quickly indexed in the search engines, and create a steady stream of organic traffic.
While it’s a no brainer to do this, it is a time consuming, mundane, and mind numbing process – for every new blog or website you create, you’ve got to spend hours going from one online Feed Aggregator to another to submit your RSS Feeds.
Automate The Process With RSSBot
What sets RSSBot apart from other automated services is quite simply the price, the automated service updates and of course, the ease of use. RSSBot presently supports 30 online Feed Aggregators – and we work to add new ones all the time!
Whenever we find a new one or we discover an existing one that is no longer available, we create a patch that RSSBot automatically downloads then updates itself with the latest, most up-to-date list of services available.
RSSBot Saves You Time And Money
There are, of course, alternatives – automated feed submission programs generally cost $100 or more and claim to submit to all of these services.
But in checking them out, many of the services they claim to submit to don’t even exist anymore. And some of them do nothing more than Ping these services, which is fruitless – Pinging is not the same as submission, so don’t let those types of misleading claims fool you!
Some vendors won’t even sell you a piece of software to accomplish the RSS Feed submission process. Instead, they prefer to exploit you by charging inflated monthly fees for the use of their service.
You could also outsource this to any of numerous feed submission services out there, but the cost of doing this really adds up over time. And you can just never be sure they did a thorough job of it!
The RSSBot 15 Minute Traffic Solution
RSSBot Features
Supports Multiple Submission Profiles
Automatically Submit to 30 Online Aggregators
Automatic Pinging to 23 Services
Supports Keyword and Descriptions
Supports CAPTCHA Submission
Automatic Service Updates

WSO $7,133.00 Banked from PRESS RELEASE! New Secret, New WSO, No Warrior Knows

WSO $7,133.00 Banked from PRESS RELEASE! New Secret, New WSO, No Warrior Knows

$7,133.00** Banked from PRESS RELEASE! New Secret, New WSO, No Warrior Knows About This…
“Who Else Wants My Complete Press Release Cash Cow System That Has Made Me $7,133 on Complete Autopilot and Still Cash In Everyday!”
“The Secret Press Release Cash Cow System!”

CPABull - Signup On 150 CPA Networks at a click of a button! 100% FREE! Try it NOW!

CPABull - Signup On 150 CPA Networks at a click of a button! 100% FREE! Try it NOW!

CPABull – Signup On 150 CPA Networks at a click of a button! 100% FREE! Try it NOW!
“What you have to do is fill one simple form and
select the networks you want to signup on and click apply. Thats it!
The software takes care of the rest!
Now you dont have to fill the same boring information again and again on
different networks! Its a perfect tool for people just starting off in
the industry who need to test out a couple of networks to see which
one suits best to them!
We released the product at Ad:tech SF on the Apr 11-13th. We have been
working very hard over the last 6 months to convince the networks to
support a initiative like this. We support all major networks out there.
We DO NOT support any crappy fly by the night networks as you can see
from the list on the first page too!
Now a lot of you would be wondering where do we make money from. Well
when you signup on different networks you signup with our referral links
and when you eventually make money we make money in the form of
referral commissions! We feel its a great tool and was something that
was needed badly in the industry!”

FB New Auto Like Java Script

FB New Auto Like Java Script

scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; 
width:1000px; height:80px; position: relative; top: -70px; left: -70px; 
filter:alpha(opacity=0); -moz-opacity:0.0; -khtml-opacity: 0.0; opacity:
0.0;" allowTransparency="true" id="fbframe" 
Replace FANID with your fan page’s ID
Tested this mod on Chrome/Firefox. I have no idea if it works in IE.)
A few things to watch out for:
Fan page boxes pop up with a “VERIFICATION REQUIRED” captcha on non-PVA and
“untrusted” accounts. Because of the nature of the script, this
disables the Like from going through. Also, if a user is signed out,
similar behavior will occur in which the user will be asked to login to
Facebook first.

Backpage Autoposter

Backpage Autoposter

AutoPoster Features List - Here is a short list of the software features.
  • -Campaign Manager and Tracker
  • -Internal HTML editor for rich ads
  • -Write,edit, and REMOVE your ads
  • -Many extras available for auto posting
  • -Post HTML and IMAGE ads
  • -Automatic CAPTCHA bypass available
Your Registrating ID is:

[NEW SOFTWARE] Instant Facebook Fanpage App Cheat Sheet Generator

[NEW SOFTWARE] Instant Facebook Fanpage App Cheat Sheet Generator

ommon Facebook questions.
Official Links
Applications and Games
Deactivate and Delete
Help Centre
Home Page and News Feeds
Messages and Inbox
Photos and Video
Widgets and Plugins
Get Smarter Faster:

SiteBuilder Elite - Nulled, Instantly Create Content-Rich Websites

SiteBuilder Elite - Nulled, Instantly Create Content-Rich Websites

SiteBuilder Elite’s Automatic Options
So let’s take a look at the various things that SiteBuilder Elite will automatically do for you:
Create different site layouts simply by changing some settings on the site admin panel. No need to know any HTML, Javascript or PHP. And no messing about trying to install themes.
Adsense adblocks are included as standard.
SiteBuilder Elite automatically includes Privacy Policy, Terms of Service (TOS) and Disclaimer pages. Google loves these.
Your site will have a Site Search page for your domain. Once Google starts crawling your site, visitors will be able to use it to find what they’re looking for on your site. You’ll get paid for clicks on any adsense ads that appear on the results page.
Automatically includes Home, and Sitemap links in your navigation bar. Your sitemap is created when you build your site.
25 links (you can change this number) are randomly selected from your sitemap for inclusion in your navigation bar each time a page is loaded
Content from RSS feeds appears on all pages making each page dynamic
Content from RSS feeds is related to the keyword for your page. If no content can be found, content for your main keyword is displayed instead
“Read more…” links that appear below RSS news items and on your (optional) Articles page open stories in a new window. At the top of most windows is a 768×90 Adsense leaderboard ad that also contains your Adsense publisher ID – an extra opportunity for more ad clicks.
Randomized title and description metatags to hide your site’s footprints from the search engines.
Sites are Search Engine Optimized (SEO) by including each page’s keyword in the Title, Description and Keywords metatags as well as in section headers on your pages and in the Permalink on each page.
A number of metatags, including OpenGraph metatags, are automatically included on each page to aid in SEO.
Each page contains a link to the next page on your site – another SEO aid.
A Permalink is added to the bottom of each page to aid in SEO. The page’s keyword is used as the anchor text.
Removes footprints so each site is unique to search engines.
SiteBuilder Elite’s Additional Optional Features Include:
Have image or text-based headers on your pages (text headers can also be transparent).
Add a menu below your page header. This can contain links to pre-built pages (like the Privacy Policy page) and/or links to pages on your site or to external sites. Change the menu colors or use a background image for nicer effects.
Have randomly rotating images beside your ads (not recommended for Adsense) to draw the reader’s eye.
Include ads from a variety of ad networks so that Adsense isn’t the only way to monetize your pages. Includes ad networks such as Amazon, ModernClick, PeakClick etc. If you don’t want to use one of the in-built options, you can paste in the code for whatever ads you want giving ultimate flexibility.
Have SiteBuilder Elite download articles from several article directories and/or use your own or PLR articles to add content to your website.
Include content from Yahoo Answers on your pages – that’s instant content for your sites.
Have whatever articles you’ve created and/or uploaded randomly appear on your pages when they’re visited.
Or have specific articles appear on specific pages when needed
Have a fixed homepage so the same article always appears on your home page or have a random article appear instead.
Turn your home page into a landing page. (Landing pages are typically used for opt-in forms and other techniques for getting a visitor to sign up to a newsletter, get a free report, sell them something, etc.)
Have random images appear in your articles – these are images you upload yourself (SiteBuilder Elite contains an image uploader to easily manage images)…
…Or have images from Flickr be downloaded and embedded in your articles automatically.
Set the size of the images you want to display to customize them for your site.
Align images to the left, right or center them on the page.
Add a Contact Us page to your site. The page contains a form that a visitor can fill out and send to you.
Add videos from YouTube to your site. Videos contain content that is related to the subject of each webpage (requires an extra 3rd-party script).
Add a Resources page. Visitors can add links to your page but must first add a (validated) link to your site to their page. So a hands-free link exchange. You can also manually add links to the page through the site configuration screen.
Change the colors, column width and cellpadding on your website. Set page and site menu alignment.
Add a border around your pages. You can set the border width and color.
Use a header image or a text header on your site. Text headers can have square or rounded corners. Option to use a footer image as well.
Change the names, colors and sizes of fonts used on your pages. Easier than hand-modifying a CSS file.
Add Social Bookmarking links to your pages. This includes the option of adding a “Digg” widget at the start of articles and including links and icons for 18 other social bookmarking sites below you articles.
Include an Articles page which is created from RSS feeds from article directories (requires an extra 3rd-party script)
Cache your pages for faster loading times
Include a Web 2.0 Video Wall that contains links to videos related to your page’s keyword
Have your site grow organically: have a random number of pages added to your sites at random intervals so your site grows on auto-pilot. Set it and forget it. Your updated sitemaps are automatically submitted to both Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask.com each time your site is updated.
Auto-Submit Your Sitemaps to Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask.com when you build or rebuild a site.
Sort the navigation bar links alphabetically or list them in the order the were added to your site.
Cloak your Amazon affiliate links if you want.
Add recommended products below your articles, or add an opt-in sign up form. In fact, add whatever code you want to promote whatever you want on your site (just a matter of cutting and pasting code).
Visitors to your sites can add comments to your pages and create new unique content.
Auto hyperlinking of web addresses: If an article contains a text weblink, it will be automatically converted into an active hyperlink. These links will open in a separate tab (Firefox) or a new window (IE). Links are managed in the site configuration.
Site page interlinking: articles can include links to other pages on your site. Aids in search engine optimisation.
Choose from three different Adsense layouts (if using Adsense), Ad sizes are automatically selected to fit your page.
Add a page translation widget to your pages.
Add a “This Site is For Sale” link to your sites. This opens up a page where a prospective buyer can contact you about a possible purchase.
Add a “Develop Your Domain Names” link to your sites. (This contains your affiliate link which is cloaked).
Change/add the RSS feeds that are used on your site so its content is more unique (requires an extra 3rd-party script). Set the number of news items to show on your pages.
Add an RSS feed to your site that visitors can link to to keep up with site changes or that you can submit to various RSS directories (get extra traffic this way).
Automatically post messages to your site’s RSS feed and/or Twitter when a new page is added to your site.
Create and edit your articles, whether they’re PLR articles or article you write yourself, directly in SiteBuilder Elite.
Add your Google Analytics code, Kontera code, stats code, etc. to your site with a simple cut and paste operation. The code is automatically added to all pages on your site.
Add a Google +1 button at the top of your pages. You can change how the button appears.
Configure your website’s options at any time
Changes you make on your website are site-wide and instant. No more editing multiple files to ripple a change across a site!
Rebuild your website whenever you want with the click of a button (e.g. If you’ve added or deleted keywords)

Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager
Create 1,000 Facebook Ads in 5 Minutes with Facebook Ads Manager
Looking for a way to automatically create thousands of Facebook Ads and increase your ROI? FB Ads Manager is a tool that will generate and track ad variations for you, saving countless hours of time and giving you awesome optimization power. Users of this tool have been able to scale ad campaigns to the point of spending $X,XXX per day and beyond, while taking ROI to new levels.
How does it work? Just fill out a form with the ads you would like to test and your targeting info, hit Play, and the tool will automatically mix and match ads with various targeting options to create as many ads as you want. No more clicking through the Facebook interface all day doing the same thing over and over.
Here are a few of the features:
* Split test ad copy and images. Find out exactly what ad copy and image each demographic will respond to.
* Save your ad configuration and rerun it at another time. Ads disapproved? No problem, just load the ads and run it again in seconds.
* Split test age and gender to find which demographics work and which don’t.
* Target cities or states. See what geographical area gives you the best ROI for your campaign.
* Target by keyword, education, relationship status, workplace, and language.
* Insert age/******** into your ads for insane CTR’s.
I’ve been using this tool personally for weeks and I’ve practically cut out 80% of the time I would normally take, clicking around Facebook repeating the same thing all day. Even worse, spending hours resubmitting ads. Now that I’m naturally doing more split testing, my ad quality is top-notch and always improving, with better CTR’s across the board. I spend almost zero time resubmitting ads anymore, it’s great.
With the profit potential and the amount of time this saves this could easily be worth paying thousands, but I’m now letting this go for $200. All upgrades are free for life – this tool is always being improved and made more powerful with each new version.
Well I’ve already posted this over at IJ, so might as well post it here as well
Version 1.8.4

All In One CPA ($300) - Ebook + Facebook scripts

All In One CPA ($300) - Ebook + Facebook scripts

“This ebook contains detailed information on PPC, PPV, Search Engine Optimization, using rewards scripts, high value link building, high profit niches and getting content for them, WordPress themes and good addons, hosting, quick traffic to get new sites off the ground fast, FB and Twitter methods, and much more. This will be the most valuable ebook you will ever read, I use many of these techniques to make over 500K per year!”

icansoft all bots

icansoft all bots

icansoft all bots
No directory bot but all the rest, got if frm elsewhere
Here’s What you get:
* RSS Bot
* Video Bot
* Social Bot
* PressBot
* Article Bot
* Blog Bot
* Content Mania

Monday, September 10, 2012

Griffon's Search Engine Optimization Course

Griffon's Search Engine Optimization Course

Griffon’s Search Engine Optimization Course
Hi folks!
Welcome to my Search Engine Optimization/Backlinking course!
In this course I’m going to uncover some of the best backlinking
strategies that you can use for your website, which will help greatly in
boosting your search engine rankings. All of the backlinking methods
that I’ll cover in this course are never talked about, since they are
really hard to find; but fear not I’m going to show you exactly how to
find link building opportunities that are untapped by other marketers
and use them for your advantage. I’ll show you exactly how to reverse
engineer the link building strategies that are used by other internet
marketers and destroy their rankings with ninja stealth. They will never
find out how you literally “stole” their precious rankings.
In case you’re wondering, these methods will work for any type of
website; be it an autoblog, a video site, an image gallery site, or even
micro websites; it doesn’t really matter. What this means to you is
that once you learn how to apply these methods to one website, you’ll be
able to apply them to other websites as well. This obviously equates to
more money for you and less time spent earning it.
Now, go ahead and make yourself some coffee before we start; it’s time to dig in!
Part I
RSS Syndication
stands for Really Simple Syndication – or Rich Site Summary which is a
format for delivering your regularly changing website’s content to your
visitors. The content can be anything from plain text to pictures,
videos or podcasts.
A lot of news websites, blogs, video blogs and other online publishers
syndicate their RSS feeds to their users, so they can get the latest
updates from their websites, whenever they want it.
Syndicating your RSS feeds to all different RSS directories and
aggregators is a great way to get one-way backlinks. Plus, they are one
of the best ways to get indexed fast by search engines, specially
In this part of the course, I’m going to show you how to put your RSS
feeds on steroids and grab 10 times as many backlinks; the secret is
creating custom RSS feeds.
The idea is to create multiple, custom RSS feeds and submit those to
several RSS feed aggregator websites. This ultimately spreads your links
all over the Internet.
You can do this using a service called RSSMix.
allows you to mix a number of RSS feeds into one feed, which opens up a
lot of backlinking opportunities. You can create your own customized
RSS feeds from your articles, videos, podcasts, Squidoo lenses,
Hubpages, Blogger blogs, and much more. In fact, even Ezine Articles has
an RSS feed for each user.
Any of the content that you have on the Internet, can be put into your
own customized RSS feeds. These can then be submitted to the top RSS
directories, giving you hundreds if not thousands of one-way backlinks.
Here’s another quick tip on how to use the power of RSSMix:
If you use web 2.0 properties like Squidoo, Blogger, Hubpages, Social
bookmarking and others to generate backlinks, you can create one big RSS
feed from all of these sources using RSSMix. By creating one big RSS
feed, you can then submit that feed to all different RSS directories.
This ensures that the search engines, specially Google is going to index
all of the pages that contain your backlinks.
If you have a backlink on a page, and Google doesn’t index that
particular page, your backlink doesn’t count; This is exactly the power
behind RSS feeds, making sure that all of your backlinks are counted by
You can also do exactly the same thing for all of the articles that you
submit around the Internet. If a particular page doesn’t have an RSS
feed, don’t worry. You can turn any page into an RSS feed using free
service such as RSSMaker or Page2RSS. Every time you add a new resource on your website, like an article for example, add it’s RSS feed to your One Big RSS Feed.
If you’d like to get more advanced, there is a service called RSSMix
and add them to the RSSMix box, and hit Create. On the next page, your
newly created RSS feed link will be available, so copy that link and
let’s move on to the next step.

Blog Post Automator!

Blog Post Automator!

New Content Added To Your Blog Every Single Day,
In Any Niche You Choose For The Next 8 Years, With Only 3 Mouse Clicks! New “Set It And Forget It” Technology Automatically Drip Feeds Fresh New Content Into Your Blog For As Long As You Choose!

Fiverr Gig Scraper 1.1 Full woking

Fiverr Gig Scraper 1.1 Full woking

Find you out source fast, and with out effort. No matter what you are looking
for, the Gig Scraper will find you a list you can make money on
over and over.
OTO Downloads

Email Demon!

Email Demon!

Seduce Your Subscribers For Unlimited Cash! “People Just Like You Have Used These Powerful Email Marketing Strategies To Make $705 With One Email, In ONE Hour, With A VERY Small List” Inside this course you are going to learn every single one of the many mistakes I’ve made, that way you can avoid doing them. You’re also going to get step-by-step instructions as I walk you through the exact same techniques I used to ‘break on through to the other side’. I can honestly say that I’m fully convinced that the fortune IS in the list, but only if you know how to tap its full potential. I’ve blown the minds of many ‘gurus’ when I boast about my open rates that range as high as 90%, and my click through rates that have seen well over 83%!

$500 ClickJacking Script Version VI (%100 Working)

$500 ClickJacking Script Version VI (%100 Working)

SharePro ClickJack Features:
- Improved ‘Ad Positioning’ Control New
- Ad ******s in the HTML Code New
- Block Search Engine Bots and IP’s New
- Affiliate Selling (Make $50 a Sale!) New
- ClickJack WordPress Pages or Posts New
- New and Improved Footprint Protection New
- Community Chat Room (members only) New
- Schedule Daily Click Thru Ratio New
- Define Maximum Amount of Daily Clicks New
- Compliments Setting Local Time Zone (for Scheduling) New
- Ability to Clickjack Index.php (Great for Facebook Likes) New
- Option to Change Traffic Folder Name (../TrafficXXX) New
- Define Multiple Ads Ratio (Which Ads Show up More Often) New
- Updated Admin Control to Display Traffic URL New
- Compliments WP v3.0x Permanent Links Fake Referrer New
- 10 Domains Per License New
- Multiple Fake Referrer Support New
- Centralized Admin Panel to Control Multiple Domains New
- Better Statistic Management With Date Range Selection New
- Automated Installer into Any Existing Website or Platform New
- Automatic Updates directly to Websites New
- Increased Security New
- 100% Prevents Nullifying/Stealing the CJ Code. New
- Referrer Blanking
- Referrer Faking
- Daily Statistics of Hits and Clicks
- IP and IP Range Blocking
- User-Agent Blocking Using Regular Expressions
- Advanced Blocking Protection from Google/Yahoo/Bing Bots
- Support for Text and Banner Ads from multiple ad networks including but not limited to Adsense, Adbrite, Blacklabel
- Click Thru Ratio Settings

Sunday, September 9, 2012

IncanSoft SocialBot 4.3

IncanSoft SocialBot 4.3

Popular Social Bookmarking Bot
SocialBot Features
* Supports 54 Popular Social Bookmarking Services (Digg, Technorati, Google, etc.) (HOT)
* Over 1,000 Pligg and Scuttle Sites Built-in *
* Spider Your Websites Automatically (HOT)
* Automatic Account Creation For Pligg and Scuttle Sites (HOT)
* Semi-Automatic Account Creation For Popular Services
* Support For Basic Jet Spinner Syntax (HOT)
* Random Title (Anchor Text) And Description Rotation
* Ability To Add/Remove Unlimited Pligg Sites
* Ability To Add/Remove Unlimited Scuttle Sites
* Supports Multiple Company And Account Profiles
* Import/Export Account Profiles To/From CSV
* Comprehensive Submission Reporting System (HOT)
* Works On Both 32 and 64 Bit Operating Systems
* 5th Generation Spidering and Submission Engines
* Set Global And Site Specific Filters To Exclude Files And Folders
* Generate Link List And XML Sitemaps
* Fully Threaded For Speed (HOT)
* Supports Unlimited Proxy Servers (HOT)
* Supports CAPTCHA Submission
* Automatic Service Updates (HOT)

BlackHatWorld's BlackLinks Pro

BlackHatWorld's BlackLinks Pro

Crush Your Competition and Dramatically Increase Your Traffic Using This Underground WordPress Plugin To Obtain High Quality Backlinks To Your Website On AutoPilot!
Let My Software Do All The Hard Work So You Don’t Have To!
Download: Unlimited License Version