Monday, April 23, 2012

BackupBuddy 2.2.35

BackupBuddy Multisite Import Steps & Import Logs

All BackupBuddy backup and restore areas take you through detailed steps and provide detailed logs, allowing you to see what’s happening all the time through the WordPress Multisite Import process.
We added the same steps and logs to the Import process. No more being in the dark: you’ll be walked through each step and shown on each step what’s being done.
BackupBuddy Multisite Import now has detailed stepsBackupBuddy Multisite Import now has detailed steps
Importing a single site into a Multisite has never been so awesomely comfortable, since now you have full logs for every step.
BackupBuddy Multisite Import now has full logsBackupBuddy Multisite Import now has full logs
So now you can know exactly what’s happening, what’s being done, and if you run into any errors related to your server or setup. BackupBuddy Multisite Import feature now has fully automatic cleanup options too!
BackupBuddy Multisite Import - Cleanup after every Import!

BackupBuddy Multisite Import – Cleanup after every Import!

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