Sunday, April 29, 2012



Think Adsense is Dead?
Think Again…!
Google “Adsense for Search” is one of the three major Adsense offerings from Google.
You can use “Adsense for Search” to provide Google-powered customized searches to your incoming traffic.
Wouldn’t be cool if someone created a plugin to do this for you?
Well someone has…
This Plugin Will Give You:
google adsense accelerator Extra Traffic
google adsense accelerator More Revenue
google adsense accelerator More Repeat Visitors
When it comes to earning commissions with Adsense, Google’s “Adsense for Search” is one of the best kept secrets on the internet. Last year, Google published the percentage of Adsense earnings that are distributed to the content publishers (this is you), and here are the numbers:
Content Publishers Earn:
google adsense accelerator 68% on Google Adsense for Content
google adsense accelerator 51% on Google Adsense for Search
Not surprisingly, Google won’t tell you that for the same number of clicks, Google’s “Adsense for Search” will pay you a lot more.
Google will leave you little tips in your Adsense Back Office, letting you know that you’re missing out on potential commissions… But they don’t tell you how much.
They even suggest you add more advertising on certain websites with messages like:
“You’re missing 34 opportunities to earn more!”
“Place 3 ads on all of your pages”
What they don’t tell you is this.
Google reserves the best-paying advertisements for THEMSELVES. I’m talking about the Google Search Engine (this way, they get 100% of the advertiser expenditure).
That said, it’s up to you, the advertiser to think outside the box.
These days, most wordpress themes have a built-in search box that readers can use to look for specific information on the website. I’ve often used this feature in my blogs, especially the ones that have latge amounts of content and pages within them.
If this search box is prominent and easily visible, readers are more likely to do a search to expedite what they are looking for using this function.
Most visitors to your site will use this feature when looking for something specific or just in a hurry.
My technique is to replace the original search box with a Google “Adsense for Search” Custom Search box quickly and easily using a simple plugin I developed.
As with most WordPress themes, you’d have to add the Google “Custom Search” function manually, which will require some php programming or you can just hire a high end web programmer to create the specific bit of php programming to make this change for you.
But Wait…!
Now you can do it with the simple “push of a button” by adding the Google Adsense Accelerator plugin to your wordpress site.
Google Adsense Accelerator is a simple Google “Adsense for Search” plugin for your wordpress site or blog.

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