Monday, April 23, 2012

Jonathan Budd - Get Traffic 3.0

Jonathan Budd - Get Traffic 3.0
This Get Traffic 3.0 Review is from a marketer that knows Jonathan Budd personally. Internet marketing is nothing new to anyone who has an online presence. Whether its a big name store or a small individually run business, the fact remains that without traffic to the website and leads to potential customers the site would fail. Marketing is a necessary evil and for many small individually run websites it must also be a low cost and highly effective job. In the past this involved keywords, search engines and page rankings. It was a lot of work and the rewards, while effective, were minimal for most. The Get Traffic 3.0 review shows how the program has changed this focus and turned marketing around to meet the current trends of society.
Jonathan Budd wanted a plan that would prove to be successful in his marketing. He wanted to reach the most potential customers, develop as many leads as possible and expand traffic to his site easily. Most of all he wanted to do this with as little cost as he could manage. Through trial and error he developed this program that will release to the public on October 18, 2010. The Get Traffic 3.0 review has been highly anticipated by online marketers.
The difference between Budds program and that of others is that he took the focus away from page ranking and search engines. He realized that as technology changes so do the habits of online users. His program utilizes the king of internet phenomenon, Facebook, to generate leads, create a brand and divert traffic to his site. Programs that have come out before the Get Traffic 3.0 review typically gear towards how to maximize search engines to bring the best results. While search engines are still important, its obvious that the people are all gathered on the social networking sites.
Is Get Traffic 3.0 Worth Buying?
The Get Traffic 3.0 review shows that Budd uses tools easily and freely available on Facebook to help you create a brand identity for your business. An example is to take advantage of the Facebook fanpages. Through the use of these pages you can become a recognizable name among the half a billion users Facebook has today. This is a great way to share news, updates and even allow users to recommend you to friends. Nothing beats word of mouth advertising. The best part is that this tool is no charge to you. Budds program will walk you through how to use this tool to your advantage to build your own brand.
The Get Traffic 3.0 review makes it clear that internet marketing is changing in todays world. Budd used this same program and these secrets to generate 225 leads per day for his business. With his program and step by step tips it is entirely possible that you too can find yourself generate an unlimited amount of leads and seeing constant traffic flow to your site. Budd proved the program was successful through his own use and trials before developing and releasing it. Now its your turn to see how successful Get Traffic 3.0 can be for you.
Module 1: The Double Lead – Setting up your Central Facebook Money Station & the RIGHT way to Get 2 Leads for the Price of ONE.
Module 2: Facebook PPC Revolution with ZenGlen
Module 3: The Rise of the Facebook Micro Celebrity with Rachel Jackson
Module 4: The Facebook Freebie with Katie Freiling
Module 5: Facebook Cah Secrets
Module 6: Facebook PPC Sprawl with Anthony Grant

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