How I took a 27K searches/month highly competitive keyword to the top of google in 14 days
and did it over, and over…
and did it over, and over…
This is what you’ll learn:
1. How to put your website together.
2. The SEO backlinking royal strategy. Five stages of advances and high CPC keyword ranking strategies
3. I reveal the exact sites that are making me $1000/month
4. The dead simple strategy you can use to super power your sites.
5. Learn the zero-chance-of-Google-slap strategy and how I spread it out to make sure that slap never happens.
2. The SEO backlinking royal strategy. Five stages of advances and high CPC keyword ranking strategies
3. I reveal the exact sites that are making me $1000/month
4. The dead simple strategy you can use to super power your sites.
5. Learn the zero-chance-of-Google-slap strategy and how I spread it out to make sure that slap never happens.