Thursday, September 6, 2012

SEO Link Pro

SEO Link Pro

The initial release of this software was terribly buggy, and barely usable. Over time more work was done on the software to make it more stable.
A few months back another release was made which switched the database to MySQL and this improved things a lot.
SEO Link Pro is a threaded application meaning it can process multiple tasks simultaneously. There are two processes which can be left running in SEO Link Pro, each of which allows you to set a number of threads:
  • Harvesting target sites on which to leave links
  • Posting links to these targets
The kind of links SEO Link Pro can get are
  • Bookmarks
  • Social news sites (Pligg and PHP Dugg
  • WordPress comments
  • Guestbooks
  • Forum / boards
  • Referer spam
All of these links are pretty low grade, the best probably being Pligg and PHP Dugg.
Guestbooks and boards are very spammy. WordPress comments will more than likely just get you akismetted.
Referer spam is the bottom of the heap. This involves faking requests to websites that publish their web stats. The idea is that if the stats program things your site has sent traffic to them, it will list your site as a referer with a hyperlink back to your own site.
Stats software never has any juice as it is not something you would link to / want to make public. In most cases it is doubtful that the site owner even knows the stats are public. Furthermore, most of the referer stat links are not even links, they are printed URL’s, not hyperlinked.
Most of the targets that SEO Link Pro can register a link on are already heavily spammed for things like Viagra and you really do not want your main sites sharing those pages.
In a nutshell, the links SEO Link Pro gathers for your site are low grade spam.
I tested SEO Link Pro on a new domain with no other links pointing at it and ran it for a month. SEO Link Pro reported several thousand links, but Yahoo only ever picked up around 100. Of those most were referer stats that were not even a link, Yahoo lists printed ULR’s in its linkdomain query.
In terms of ranking a site it is pretty worthless, so I moved onto trying it for secondary links, i.e. index and link pages that were already linking to one of my sites.
I loaded up a couple of hundred URL’s via a CSV import and let that run. The old problems of speed and reliability re-surfaced. The application would hang or crash. It does not like large lists of URL’s.
So, it is not good for ranking a site directly, and is not good for secondary linking either.
The only future I see for this software is if they can get the speed and reliability up for large link lists. If that were done, it would be a really useful tool for secondary links and worth the money, but until that happens it really isnt worth using.

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