Sunday, September 9, 2012

WSO - CPA Reward Script

WSO - CPA Reward Script

How Does It Work? 
Postback URL: Many Affiliate networks let you set a postback URL. This means that when an offer is complete, the affiliate network will tell the script that one of your users just completed an offer. CPA Reward Script then gives your member ‘X’ amount of points, and you get the cash.
Multiple Networks: When your website gets big, your members will want to be able to complete a large number of offers. Some Affiliate networks are small, an have few offers. CPA Reward Script lets you have as many networks ‘Plugged-in’ to your site.
You Set Your Profits: When you put an offer on your site and it is worth $1.00. You can give your members 80 points to complete it. That would mean you only owe $0.80 for the $1.00 you got.

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