Dear Warrior Who is About To Get A Special Treat,
As you know, the new FB Timeline Changes Messed up a lot of businesses. Facebook has put unnecessary “hoops” for us to jump through in order to create our FB Pages.
So now, it’s time to fight back.
This Plugin has on job, and one job only – It allows you to place the content of your FB Page into WordPress so you can manage it from one place.
How it works:
1) Paste the content you want to show on Your Facebook
2) Type in your site URL in the Facebook settings
3) You’re done!
The plugin will show your desired content as part of the FB page.
You are also getting videos on how to set up your Facebook Page/App even if you’ve never done it before!
You can install on your clients sites, best friend’s, and grandma’s site too! 
And because this is a Warrior SPECIAL Offer, I’m giving you an even more SPECIAL Treat…