Covert Messenger Gets More Clicks & Better Conversions Than All Other Ad Forms Combined On Our Blogs!
And it works for a very simple reason…
Everyone on the internet uses some form of instant messengers.
Humans are social creatures and we like social interactions
You’re simply tapping into that and using a familiar look that people like to interact with, to deliver your ad
And remember…
This strategy is in NO way limited to adult or dating sites
In fact there are no dating affiliates left reading this – they have all clicked the buy button already – because they know how powerful this is!
And the many uses of this powerful plugin are only limited by your imagination…
Here are just a few of the highly effective strategies we have used ourselves…
- On a review blog – make a Covert Messenger ad that tells them about a discount. Then ask them to click the link to claim their discount!
- Offer a freebie related to the content on your blog and ask them to click in order to grab it (then link your squeeze page).
- Use the same technique to link to CPA offers related to your blog. They won’t click your banners, they have seen them all before. But they will click your Covert Messenger ad and you can start counting the $$$!
- Use a Covert Messenger ad to serve a testimonial about a product, this adds an enormous amount of social proof value to any testimonial
- And of course much more…
There are literally hundreds of different ways to use this plug in
The only thing that’s certain is that…
It will get people’s attention & they will click on your ad!
But beware…
This Can Be Used For Both Good And Evil…
It’s Certainly So Effective It Feels Almost Evil!
It’s Certainly So Effective It Feels Almost Evil!
We don’t want to make any moral judgements whatsoever – how you use this powerful plugin is entirely up to you!
But the entire Covert Messenger ad (except for the close button) is one big link for whatever you want people to click on.
You can be upfront about this like in the example ad above… Or you can make it completely look like a real IM conversation send people to your link when they try to respond to you
That choice (or anything in between) is entirely up to you.
And either way you’re going to see amazing click through rates and results
Just remember, that in the immortal words of uncle Ben: “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility” 
And with that little warning out of the way, we can get on to the juicy part…